MWUF Adventist Online Radio

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MWUF Adventist Online Radio

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  • Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    What has happened, we are not getting you?
    1 year ago Reply Report
  • Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    We praise God for the steady progress. Be blessed and may the good Lord give you strength during these two weeks. It was good.
    1 year ago Reply Report
  • Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Today it has very good. God bless you.
    1 year ago Reply Report
  • Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Pr. Nyakoojo Kaliisa Denis

    Thank you so much Elder for the work well done. Let us pray that the Spirit of Lord will impres this message upon the hearts of the hearers so that they can accept this everlasting gospel.
    1 year ago Reply Report

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